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Family Room Terms of Use

Family Room capacity 4 adults and up to 8 young children at one time. 

Parents with older children (over 12 years old) can use the Group Zone with their child 

The University provides and maintains buildings and spaces that are safe for use by staff and students in accordance with the University of Greenwich Health and Safety arrangements, and therefore, are not primarily designed for use by children (persons under 18 years of age). However, the University recognises that children may often be present on our campuses, accompanied by and supervised by members of staff or students. Where children are permitted to be present on our premises, we aim to provide a welcoming environment for children. In addition to the general Rules and Regulations of the Drill Hall library, the following Terms of Use will also apply to use of the Family room to ensure the safety and welfare of all users.

  1.  During visits to university premises the adult accompanying the child is responsible for their supervision at all times. This includes use of the toilet facilities and other communal areas.
  2. Children must always be accompanied by an adult when on university premises. If a child is left unaccompanied at any time, the University may call the emergency services; unaccompanied children will also be reported as a safeguarding concern.
  3. Access to library facilities for children is granted through signing in with a face-to-face induction upon their first visit. Parents only need to be inducted once and for their first child.
  4. Children must be accompanied at all times and must not be permitted to use the University IT equipment during their visit to any library or Open Access IT environment. Parents/guardians must not allow the children in their care to use the parent’s/guardian’s login details to access the University’s IT systems.
  5. Although a full risk assessment of the room as been conducted, the use of the family room is at your own risk. 
  6. The library is covered by CCTV in line with the university policy and regularly patrolled by staff.
  7. Resources provided in the Family room must not be removed.
  8. Food is not permitted due to the risk of allergies and contamination; food can be consumed in the Archibald Hay Mess Café Area; however lidded and bottles drinks are permitted
  9. If the fire alarm sounds, please exit the rooms via the fire exit to the left of this room, or the nearest alternative safe exit, and make your way to the fire assembly point to be acknowledged as safe. Evacuation procedures will be covered as part of the induction.
  10. Non-compliance of the terms of use or misuse of the Family room may result in you being asked to leave the building and will result in a refusal for further bookings. The Drill Hall Library staff reserves the right to refuse anyone entry to the facility without reason and we reserve the right to close this facility at any time.
  11. Please do not leave any belongings in the family room, the University accepts no responsibility for items left unattended.
  12. If you have any cause for concern or wish to discuss use of this facility, please email
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If you wish to report a disturbance between 5pm to 8am please talk to our security staff at the Drill Hall Library entrance.