Please tell us your views!

If you wish to report a disturbance between 5pm to 8am please talk to our security staff at the Drill Hall Library entrance.
Our vision is for academic activity at the Medway campus to be maximised by using and sharing knowledge and information, facilitated by expertise and exploiting technologies.
Our mission is for the Drill Hall Library to play a central role in delivering an excellent academic experience. This will be delivered through services that empower Medway students, teachers and researchers to study, educate and discover by using resources and information technologies in the library and shared spaces.
Delivering high quality, inviting and flexible study environments in shared spaces at the Medway Campus.
Developing partnerships with our academic partners, local bodies and all those with a stake-hold in activity at the Medway campus.
Providing high-quality, reliable and modern technological infrastructure.
Collecting information and library resources from printed books through to innovative electronic sources in Medway subject areas, and facilitating their academic use.
Developing services that empower our community to realise their academic potential and ambitions through the use of information and related technologies.
If you wish to report a disturbance between 5pm to 8am please talk to our security staff at the Drill Hall Library entrance.